Our Terms for Visiting

Thank you for registering to visit Ashton Wold. Please read the following information carefully. By entering the CDL Sector of Ashton Estate and/ or paying the annual fee, the Visitor(s) are deemed to have accepted the terms of access listed below (No. 1 – No 16). You enter and proceed at your own risk and act on your own free will. If you do not agree to all of the terms do not enter the CD Lane Sector of the Ashton Estate and you are not permitted to enter without agreement in full:


    1. Opening
      Open to the public: Every Tuesday and Wednesday
         i) 15th April – 15th September: 9am – 7pm
        ii) 16th September – 14th April: 9am – 4pm
    2. The Map and Designated Right of Way – for the sake of clarity the areas shown in Red (private road) and the Purple areas (Woodland and Communal Field) are the only areas you are allowed to access during your visit. The Green line represents the Public Bridleway (which of course you may also access).
    3. No motorbikes, horses, quad bikes or similar allowed at any time. Vehicle journeys up and down to the Wold are restricted to driving to park at the Cricket Pavilion or driving up once or driving down once only per visit.
    4. Parking: Only permitted at the Cricket Pavilion, in the gravelled area (PE8 5LF). Parking in other areas is not permitted. There is a strict 20mph speed limit on the Estate. All vehicles are driven and parked at the Visitor’s risk and neither the owner (Dr Charles Lane) nor OHL Limited shall be liable for any damage to the vehicle or theft of personal items stored in it, or loss of any kind through accident.
    5. Visitors are expected to act in a fair and reasonable and rational manner at all times and with good faith towards the owner (Dr Charles Lane).
    6. Country Estates in general carry many risks and hazards: thus, even authorized entry requires a risk analysis and prudence. You will not be supervised during your visit and all Visitors enter the Estate at their own risk. OHL Ltd and the landowner Dr Charles Lane owe no duty of care to the Visitor(s) and it is the Visitors responsibility to ensure they have the correct insurance in place, including motor vehicle insurance and visitors must comply with all the laws of England.
    7. Visitors must not enter the woodland areas during adverse weather conditions eg. strong winds, heavy rains, or storms, or risky conditions.
    8. Please ensure you have a fully charged mobile with you at all times and save the Estate Office phone numbers (01832 272264 and 07836 207584) – although in an emergency you must call 999. Each member of your party should have a fully charged mobile and a copy of the map. We reiterate, we will not supervise or monitor you.
    9. Visitors must respect the privacy of the people living, vacationing and working on the Estate and be conscious of areas of the Estate that are not open to you the Visitor, which areas include without limitation fenced garden areas, all buildings and all farmland.
    10. Please take care to avoid any traffic. When a vehicle (including farm vehicles) approaches you must move to the side of the road and remain stationary facing the oncoming vehicle, until said vehicle has passed you.
    11. Ashton Wold is part of a working farm and you must take care with especially children and dogs around machinery and livestock. Dogs MUST be on leads at all times.
    12. Children (age 16 and under) must be accompanied by an adult.
    13. Please leave no trace of your visit, thus please take all your litter home! Litter including food waste can be detrimental to wildlife. It is often a criminal offence to litter.
    14. Absolutely no fires are permitted (nor are BBQ’s permitted). Fires can be as devastating to wildlife and habitats as they are to people and property – so be careful using lighters with naked flames and using cigarettes at any time of the year (we discourage smoking). If you cause damage by fire, you will be personally liable for the loss, which could amount to many millions of pounds. Thus we instruct you to avoid being negligent with regards to fires. We are not insuring you for your own negligence.
    15. Please note that there is 24hr CCTV on some areas of the Estate.
    16. Dog Walking – Important
      • Our estate has a lot of free-roaming wildlife (and holidaymakers!) so keeping dogs on leads at ALL TIMES and under your close control is mandatory.
      • You must bag and deposit your dog waste / litter in a designated dog bin or take it home with you. Everyone knows how unpleasant dog mess is and it can cause infections. Do not leave the bags out on the Estate – plastic interferes with the many fragile eco-systems.
      • Free dog fouling bags can be collected from the Estate Office if you forget to bring some with you – there is no excuse for not picking up after your dog!

A breach of any of the above Points (1) – (16) will result in the Visitor being asked to leave the Estate immediately and the Visitor will be banned from any future visits.  OHL Limited holds the right to refuse admission to Visitors or request a Visitor leaves the Estate immediately for any reason.

Ashton Wold (CDL Sector) is a private estate, with no access without written permission. Access is not allowed at any other time outside the times listed above in point (1). Discovery of such unauthorized entry will incur an unauthorized entry fee (currently £1,000 per unauthorized entry per 24 hours day or any part of a 24-hour day) or a lower sum if such fee is not considered fair and reasonable. Interest at the statutory rate for amounts owed will be charged. Such rate is at present 8% per annum, simple interest  – over per annum base rate.

Termination:  OHL Limited and / or the Landowner (Dr Charles Lane) may terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason.


    1. General:
      We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal effects, personal accident, injury or public liability whilst following this walk. We cannot be held for responsible for any inaccuracies that result from changes to the routes that occur over time. Please let us know of any changes to the routes so that we can correct the information.

      The walking routes marked red /green and purple on the attached map are checked on a monthly basis, but this is no guarantee that the marked areas are safe, you must proceed at all times in a prudent and risk averse manner. Generally, our walks are safe for walkers of a reasonable level of experience and fitness – however, like all outdoor activities, walking carries a degree of risk due to uneven terrain, fallen branches, badger / rabbit holes etc.

    2. Specific:
      1. To the extent permitted by law, Dr Charles Lane and OHL Limited (for itself, its employees and agents) shall not be liable to the Visitor or third parties for any accident, damage, loss, injury expense or inconvenience, which may be suffered, incurred, arise out of or in any way connected with the subject matter of this agreement. No term of the agreement is enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of The Third Parties) Act 1999 by a person who is not a party to the agreement.
      2. Except as it may be impossible for the Landlord to contract out of such liability by law notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary the Landlord shall not be responsible or liable for any injury, disability, or death to any person or persons or damage to any property caused by reason of any act, neglect, default, or omission on the part of any person whatsoever including on the part of the Visitors agent, licensees, invitees or owners or occupiers of any adjoining or neighbouring property or any representative agent, independent contractor, or employee of the Landlord or by the state or condition of the Property or the fixtures or fittings in or about the same or the user thereof or the defective working stoppage or breakage of the pipes, plant or machinery of any kind whatsoever
      3. Except as it may be impossible by law for the Landlord to contract out of any such liability in excess of a fixed sum notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary it is agreed and understood that any damages or monetary award arising out of the liability that may remain with the Landlord or any representative, agent, independent contractor or employee of the Landlord shall be limited to the sum of £100 (ONE HUNDRED POUNDS) and such sum of one hundred pounds shall include without limitation all additional and all ancillary sums of whatsoever nature including interest, penalties, legal fees (and other fees of whatsoever nature) and all penalties and awards. If the Visitor is in receipt of any sum in excess of the sum of one hundred pounds the Visitor agrees to and undertakes to assign within fourteen days such part of the sum that is more than one hundred pounds to Plover Ltd and shall retain only the sum of one hundred pounds.

      Termination:  OHL Limited and / or the Landowner (Dr Charles Lane) may terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason.

      The Ashton Estate (CD Lane Sector) is managed with the help of duly authorized Agents OHL Limited and of duly authorized Land Advisors, Fisher German. Please see contact details below.

      OHL Limited
      Carol Maibaum (Director and Head of Tourism)
      Address: Cricket Pavilion, Ashton, Peterborough, PE8 5LF
      Tel. Office: 01832 272264 (9am -5pm)
      Mobile: 07831855206 or 07836207584 (After hours)
      Email: [email protected]

      NEWTONS LDP – 
      Charlotte Gore (Director)
      Tel. Office: 01926 674020
      Mobile: 07539 151053
      Email: [email protected]

      DR CHARLES LANE (The Owner)
      If you wish to contact the owner, Dr Charles Lane (who does not reside on the Ashton Estate) please address your enquiry to Dr Charles Lane c/o OHL Limited.

      Ideas for improving the Estate and / or your visit are most welcome. If you have any photos, you don’t mind us sharing on our website (which of course is a public domain) please send them to us – by sending photos you automatically agree to OHL Limited using them on the website and /or for marketing purposes and grant an non-exclusive licence free of charge to use, in perpetuity, the photographs supplied.